5.3. Margin call mechanics¶
The mechanics of a margin call in Graphene are currently poorly understood, so I’d like to try to clarify a little by using examples from the USD:GPH
market. I think part of the current confusion lies in people talking about the same market but using different market directions, ie. USD:GPH
, so terms like above/below don’t mean the same thing to different people. I will only use USD in these examples, but USD can be replaced by any gp asset in this context. I prefer to use the USD:GPH
market direction, so these examples will have prices in GPH/USD.
Table of Contents
5.3.1. What is a margin call?¶
A margin call is the market forcing you to sell your collateral in order to buy enough USD to close your position. In the USD:GPH market a margin call is equivalent to a bid: it is an order to buy USD for GPH.
A margin call will happen because the price has increased to the point where your collateral is insufficient with respect to the current collateral requirements of the Graphene market rules. The required collateral is a tuneable parameter in Graphene, set by the maintenance collateral ratio (MCR) which is maintained by the feed producers (i.e., the witnesses).
5.3.2. How is the call price calculated?¶
As mentioned above the call price of a margin position depends on the MCR and the amount of debt and collateral in your position. It is independent of the price feed (settlement price). As an example, say you have opened the following position:
10 USD
10000 GPH
MCR is
The call price of your position is 10000 GPH / (10 * 1.75 USD) = 571.429 GPH/USD
5.3.3. How is the collateral ratio (CR) calculated?¶
The collateral ratio depends on the feed price (settlement price). Taking a feed price of 300 GPH/USD
and building on the above example with 10 USD
debt and 10000 GPH
(10000 GPH / 300 GPH/USD) / 10 USD = 3.33
5.3.4. Execution Conditions¶ When will a margin call happen?¶
This is where it gets complicated. Margin Call are only possible if the feed price is below your call price. A margin call will happen whenever the squeeze protection price goes above the call price of your position. To better understand how this works, let’s go back to our margin position and look at collateral ratios:
Say we have the following:
10 USD
Settlement price:
Collateral is therefore
3000 GPH
This is also known as the Black Swan level, and we want to perform a margin call before the collateral ratio goes this low. This is why we have the Maintenance Collateral Ratio (MCR), to enforce a buffer zone before a position goes into Black Swan territory. So if we apply the MCR of 1.75
to this position:
10 USD
Settlement Price:
Collateral is therefore
3000 GPH * 1.75 = 5250 GPH
This is much safer, there is a gp of margin for the position to be closed before going into Black Swan levels. Since in our example, the USD requires 1.75
ratio, the call price of this position is now exactly equal to the feed price of 300
Call price:
5250 / (10 * 1.75) = 300 GPH/USD
The remaining question then is, at what point should we force the position to attempt to close itself? This is where the SQPR comes in. Let’s look at two scenarios, SQPR of 1.1
and SQPR of 1.5
: ** SQPR of 1.1
Settlement price:
Squeeze Protection Price (SQPP):
In this case, any margin position that has a call price below 330 GPH/USD
will be forced to settle, and therefore be added to the orderbook as an order to buy USD for GPH. ** SQPR of 1.5
Settlement price:
Squeeze Protection Price (SQPP):
In this case, any margin position that has a call price below 450 GPH/USD
will be forced to settle, and therefore be added to the orderbook as an order to buy USD for GPH. Discussion¶
Another way of looking at this is by looking at the Collateral Ratio of the position. If we want to stay at or above the squeeze protection price, what is the required collateral ratio? Let’s do the math:
Settlement Price:
10 USD
Call price:
CP = SQPP = 300 * 1.1 = 330 GPH/USD
Collateral =
(10 USD * 1.75) * 330 GPH/USD = 5775 GPH
The collateral ratio of this position is (5775 GPH / 300 GPH/USD) / 10 USD = 1.925
This is equivalent to the MCR
1.75 * 1.1 = 1.925
In other words, in order to stay safe and not be margin called, the margin
position must maintain a collateral ratio higher than MCR * SQPR
Safe position:
CR > MCR * SQPR At what price will the margin call execute?¶
This is the part I believe is most misunderstood, so I will use some screenshots of a fictional USD:GPH
market to explain. We will use the following parameters:
Settlement price:
Squeeze protection price:
300 * 1.2 = 360 GPH/USD
10 USD
Call price:
From what we’ve seen above, it’s clear that this position should be margin
called: it has a CR of 1.896
which is well below the safe ratio of 2.1.
It will therefore get added to the order book as a bid to buy USD like this:

The margin called order will buy any USD priced in the range 325-360 GPH/USD
. The squeeze protection price acts as a price ceiling, meaning the forced margin order will not execute at a very high price in an illiquid market: it is protected from high prices by the SQPR.
5.3.5. Margin calls only execute in the range [Call Price - SQPP]¶
A margin call will occur any time the lowest ask is higher than the call price and lower than the SQPP. This has several consequences, as we will see below. It can create some very strange situations, and also force the margin called orders to “buy high”.
Consequence #1: Asks below the call price prevent margin calls from executing
Because margin calls only execute in the range Call Price - SQPP, if there is a sell order for 5 USD
at 315 GPH/USD
in this market, the call order will not use it, which makes the market look like this:

If a second sell order of 2.5 USD
were added at 345 GPH/USD
, the margin called order would still not buy any USD because of the “blocking” sell order at 315 GPH/USD

If the order at 315 GPH/USD
were to be removed, either from being canceled or from being filled, the order at 345 GPH/USD
would instantly get filled by the margin called order, and the margin called position would have a reduced debt of 10 - 2.5 = 7.5 USD

Consequence #2: Margin calls cannot “buy cheap” As we’ve seen above, unless the settlement price goes above the call price of the position, forced margin calls always buy at a premium relative to the settlement price. Even if there are sell orders available at or near the feed price, the margin called orders will not be matched with those sell orders if their call price is higher than the price of those sell orders.